Editing a Group

To edit or delete groups, you need to have permission to edit and click on the ellipsis dotted button next to the group you want to edit. Once clicked, a dropdown will appear with the options to Edit or Delete the group.

Adding a Group

You can create a new group by clicking on the New Group button. From the popup that appears, you can enter the Name of the group, the Description to provide more information, as well as select multiple members to add to the group. Once done, click on the Create Group button to create the group.

Sending messages to certain groups

To send a message to certain or specific groups, you will simply need to navigate to the Communication tab and click the New Communication button. This will then open a new window where you can provide your desired subject and message.

You can decide how many groups you would like this communication to be sent to using the Send To field. Simply click in the Send To field, select your chosen groups and click Send Communication.

Learn more about our Communication feature here


Groups are essentially specific groups of members bundled into a group in order to target notifications to specific groups.

You can view, create, modify or delete groups from the Groups & Members page, under the Groups section. You can create a new group by clicking on the New Group button.

From the popup that appears, you can enter the Name of the group, the Description to provude more information, as well as select multiple members to add to the group. Once done, click on the Create Group button to create the group.

To edit or delete groups, you need to have permissions to edit and click on the ellipsis dotted button next to the group you want to edit. Once clicked, a dropdown will appear with the options to Edit or Delete the group.