You can create a new event by clicking on the Planning->Events tab.
You can create a new event by clicking on the New Event button. You will then be navigated to a new page where you add the following details for your new event:
Repeat event
You can repeat the event by clicking on the Repeat dropdown and select the preferred option.
The event now will now be created.
You can change the event details by clicking on the menu icon on the right side of the chosen task and simply click Edit.
You will now be navigated to the event editor page where you can change the event details.
You can view your event by clicking on the event.
Here you will be able to leave a comment and RSVP for this event.
You can also view the events on the calendar by clicking on the view calendar button.
You can share an event with your church members by clicking on the menu icon and then click on the share button.
This will open a popup with a link. You can share this link with your church members and members who are not part of the church to view this event.
They will then be able to RSVP to this event.