After logging in as a leader you will be taken to the Dashboard. From here you will see the welcome message along with the following:
Welcome Message: The welcome message can be customized by clicking on the Vertical dot icon or Burger menu button and click on the Information tab.
Upcoming Events: These are the 3 events that are upcoming. You as a leader can add new posts or events in the news and events section.
Recent Notifications: These are the latest notifications that have been sent to your members.
Vertical dot icon or Burger menu: Clicking on this menu will show the following options and actions you can perform:
Invite Member: You will be provided with a link to share with your members in order for them to join your church.
Import Contacts: Allows you to import Contacts on your phone as members for your church.
Songs: View all songs created on the Add Song page.
New member: Clicking on New Member will open a popup that will allow you to add members to your church manually.
New Group: Add new Groups to your church and assign specific congregates/members of your choosing to these groups.
New Playlist: Create playlists with audio and video media items which can be played by members by going to the New Playlist page.
New Post: Create new posts that can be seen by members on the News and Events page.
New Event: Clicking on the New Event tab will display a popup that will allow you to create new Events by adding the title, description, start and end date for this event.
New Message: You can send new messages to specific groups by navigating to New Message and set the subject, message, priority, and selecting the groups to receive this new message.
Church Information: You can edit the welcome title, welcome message, church name, address, and backing details when you click on the Information tab.
Profile Settings: Edit your profile settings such as your name, email, avatar and notification preferences from the Profile Settings page.
Switch Accounts: Clicking on Switch Accounts will display a popup will all linked accounts.
Log Out: Clicking on this tab will log out this account on all devices.
Navigation Options: Across the bottom of the screen, you will see the main navigation options for the Dashboard, Playlists, News and Events, Messages and Members.