Service Attendance Register

The service attendance register will allow you to record the number of members present at a service.

Create Attendance Register

You can create a new attendance register by clicking on the New Attendance Register button.

A popup will now be displayed allowing you to enter the following information:

  • Service Title
  • Start date
  • End Date

Please note: You will be able to select a service if you have already created a service booking.

The Attendance Register will now be displayed.

There are currently 3 ways of updating the Total Attendance:

  • Member check-in/check-out
  • Add/Remove Visitors
  • Add Members

Member check-in/check-out

You can check-in a member by clicking on the checkbox next to the Member.

This will update the number of Total Attendance and Members that attended this service.

Add/Remove Visitors

You add/remove visitors by clicking on the Add/Remove button in the Visitors block.

This will update the total attendance and number of visitors attending this service.

Add Members

You can manually add members by clicking on the Add Member button in the Add Members block.

This will then display a popup allowing you to add a new member.