
What are playlists?

You can create playlists with audio and video media items which can be played by members.

To create a playlist, expand Content and navigate to Playlists. Click on the New Playlist button. In the popup that appears you can enter the Title and Description for the playlist to provide more information on what the playlist is about.

You can click on Add Video or Add Audio to add videos or audio respectively and you can enter a URLTitle and Description for each media item. Once added, you can also drag the media items into any order and click on the Save Playlist button to create the playlist. You can then click on the Play button to play the playlist.

Sending messages to certain groups

To send a message to certain or specific groups, you will simply need to navigate to the Communication tab and click the New Communication button. This will then open a new window where you can provide your desired subject and message.

You can decide how many groups you would like this communication to be sent to using the Send To field. Simply click in the Send To field, select your chosen groups and click Send Communication.

Learn more about our Communication feature here

What are groups?

Groups present you with the ability to target specific groups of congregates/members of your choosing in order to relay messages or notifications specifically to the selected groups of your choosing.

You can view, create, modify or delete groups from the Members page, under the Groups section.

You can create a new group by clicking on the New Group button.

From the popup that appears, you can enter the Name of the group, the Description to provide more information, as well as select multiple members to add to the group. Once done, click on the Create Group button to create the group.

To edit or delete groups, you will need to have permission to click on the ellipsis dotted button next to the group you want to edit. Once clicked, a dropdown will appear with the options to Edit or Delete the group.

Importing members via CSV

Rather than adding congregates manually one at a time, you can add multiple congregates via a bulk CSV.

To do this, you simply need to create a CSV (comma-separated value) file that will contain all the congregate data in the correct format. You will be required to add essential data for your congregates such as email address, name, surname, and phone numbers in order to complete the import.

You can import this file by navigating to Members -> Import.

Click Select File to upload the CSV File.

Once you have uploaded the preferred file. Please select the correct columns. You can skip the first Row if headers are present by checking the Skip First Row (Select if headers are present) option.

Your import will now be scheduled and the members will be imported in the background. Once this is complete, the members will be displayed in the Members area.

Adding a new congregant

Members are all the users registered with the church and can be viewed from the Groups & Members page.

You can view all current members and also invite new users by clicking on the Invite Member button as described in the section below.

Inviting Members

You can invite members by going to the Groups and Members page and clicking on the Invite Member button on the top left corner of the member list.

After entering the email of the user, they will be sent an email with a link to register to the church and once completed they will be registered and will be able to log into the church.

How to add members

You can add new members by clicking on the Members tab.

There are currently 3 ways to add members to your church:

  1. Add each member individually
  2. Sharing the invite link
  3. Importing members

1. Add each member individually

Clicking the Create button will open a popup that will allow you to create a new member.

Saved Option

This option will indicate whether a user has said the salvation prayer.

Custom Fields

Click on Create Field.

You should now be navigated to the Custom Fields page where you can create new custom fields

You will be able to select one of the following Custom field types:

  • Checkbox
  • Text
  • Date
  • Dropdown
  • Path

The custom field will now be displayed on the New Member Form.

2. Sharing the invite link

Clicking the Invite Member button will then provide you with a special link that will allow members to join your church.

You can also send the link to yourself by selecting one of the following options:

  • Email this to me
  • SMS this to me
  • Share on Whatsapp

3. Importing members

Clicking the Import button will take you to the Import Members page that will allow you to import members by selecting one of the following options:

  • CSV File
  • Text Paste

Learn more about our importer here

Mobile App

The mobile app has all of the same functionality but has a different layout and some changes.

After logging in or creating an account from the app, you will be taken to the Dashboard which has the same info as the website.

On the top right corner there is a vertical dot icon which you can click to show the following options and actions you can perform:

  • Invite Member
  • Import Contacts
  • Songs
  • New Group
  • New Playlist
  • New Post
  • New Song
  • New Event
  • New Message
  • Church Information
  • Profile Settings
  • Switch Accounts
  • Log Out

Across the bottom of the screen, you will see the main navigation options for the Dashboard, Playlists, Calendar, Notifications, and Groups & Members.